Thursday, October 12, 2006

The New Accessory

I really didn't notice it so much in other cities than I have here.

Instead of a foppish handbag, over rated strands of beads from the distant shores of Lake Titikaka or a belt made from the skin of the rare Nepos Ardvark, the newest accessory for Atlanta women is none other than...


I've seen so many women toting around in their plastic containers (clear, flip-top, mind you) chunks of fresh, pre-cut fruit. More often than not, its a cornicopia of red grapes, apple chunks, unsweeted honeydew or skin-tone cantelope and if she's feeling REALLY saucy, a crooked morsel of pineapple.

Why do these women do it? Are they trying to portray this doting, wholesome facade that they are healthy eaters? And with that aura, are they secretly shunning the rest of us who eat entire meals that consist of nothing but the color brown?

Normally, I can see such a situation in/on/around an eating area or cafe. But in parking garages, bathrooms, hell, even walking their dogs? Did I miss that column in Cosmo or am I just more partial to the Vegetable party?

Go get 'em, broccoli florets!