Friday, December 21, 2007

Build-A-Boo Workshop

"Hi, welcome to Build-A-Boo Workshop, where boos are made. My name is Katrina, how can I help you today?"

"Oh, hey, Katrina! Listen. I'm wondering if you could help me out with something. Well, I obviously need to build a boo..."

"Of course! That's why you're here, right?" *light, uncomfortable laugh*

"Mm hm, yeah. So. This is what I need. I need... well... about my height, maybe a little taller..."

"Okay, go on."

"I need him to look me right into my eyes in a moment of passion, whether its a laugh or a cry."

"Oh, we have those! What else?"

"I want him to have a little meat on his bones, you know, so when I hug him I feel like I can fall into his arms and be safe and warm."

"Oh! Gotcha!"

"I... I want every orb of his soul so connected to mine, that when he smiles, I smile too, even if I dont know what he's smiling about. When he feels heartache, I feel it too-- when he's happy, I'm overjoyed and when he sleeps I feel at rest. I want his hands to be strong and willful, like a sun-drenched ocean tide carrying me safely home. I want his arms and legs to be made for work as well as play, and can you put little electric diodes in there so whenever I touch him my fingertips tingle?"

"Yes, we most certainly can do that for you, no problem."

"Thanks, Katrina."

"Any color preference?"

"No, none at all."

"Okay. *jots that down* Would you like the default brown eye color?"

"Sure. Sign me up for that."

"Okay, okay. Great. What about his heart? Any special parameters for that?"

"He must love, with all his heart, soul, mind and body, the Lord God Almighty. I want to make sure that he puts Him first, even before me."

"Oh? Okay..."

"Now lets be clear: I want him to love me for every inch of me too-- my good traits as well as my bad, my idiosyncrasies, habits, so on and so forth. Accept me, my family, my friends, all of me for who I am, nothing more, nothing less."

"Good, good! Okay. Anything else?"

"Actually Katrina, there is."

"Go on..."

*leans in closer* "Can you make him, you know, passionate?"

"Um... *looks wide-eyed* I think we may have that available..."

"I mean, completely passionate. Please, check to see if you have available the ability to make me feel like the most beautiful woman alive, just with a glint in his eye-- or give me a look across the room that will make me weak in the knees. Can you, will you, see if its possible for him to have the capability to kiss me without his lips ever touching my skin, and even feeling his breath against the back of my hand makes the world melt away?"

"Wow... you know what you want, don't you, ma'am?"

"*chuckle* Well, Katrina. Lets just say I might have some idea already what doesn't work for me. And an even greater revelation of what does."

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